With this revelation, at Naʻau Pono Physical Therapy, the approach is with true intention to follow through with the ability to help one transform, optimize movement, and improve human experience. This is possible through "lifelong learning", a concept and idea carried through within this private practice, and learned from its established roots.
"Physical therapists are transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience"
- Vision statement of the APTA (American Physical Therapy Association)

David was born and raised in Kaʻalaea, Hawaii and graduated from Damien Memorial High School in 2001. He attended Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri and majored in Athletic Training, on academic and athletic scholarship. Here he participated in NAIA conference Menʻs Volleyball, where he competed at the highest ranked school in the division and conference at the time. Later in January of 2003, David transferred to St. Francis University and entered the Physical Therapy program on academic and athletic scholarships, where the accredited program just transitioned to the doctorate program. Here, while balancing academics, participated in NCAA Division I Menʻs Volleyball, and graduated with a Bachelors in Health Science/Kinesiology in 2007. Two years later, David received his Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2009.
Shortly after graduation, Dr. Woodward took a job offer at one of the most recognized private practices in Oahu: Fukuji & Lum and Associates as a staff Physical Therapist. While working at Fukuji and Lum PT, Dr. Woodward further developed his professional curriculum and practice under NAIOMT (North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy) courses, where he learned to assess and treat according to the latest research under instruction from Erl Pettman, PT, MCSP, MCPA, FCAMPT. Currently, Dr. Woodward is working on achieving his CMPT (Certified Manual Physical Therapist) and COMPT (Certified Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapist) under NAIOMT instruction, where the focus is on developing clinical reasoning skills to encourage an understanding of not only what is wrong, but why. While maturing these skills, it has opened up a wide variety of treatment approaches available in his everyday practice, whether it be manipulation and/or mobilization, soft-tissue techniques, or neuromuscular re-education. He also initiated a “Performance Plus Program” at Fukuji and Lum PT, where patients were able to continue with exercises on a custom designed program to help them achieve their functional goals, especially if they were discharged from PT. Within this program, high level patients were able to take conditioning to a higher performance level, being challenged to improve their athletic abilities in order to return to their activity of choice.
Along with developing sound clinical reasoning and advanced manual therapy skills within NAIOMT, Dr. Woodward gained interest in integrative nutrition, approaching myofascial and tissue mobility using IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobility), as well as assessment and treatment through Functional Movement Systems (FMS) or Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) Screening. With knowledge of balancing diet, lifestyle, and improving functional movement, one can achieve resilience, which is the mission of Naʻau Pono Physical Therapy.
Dr. Woodward has treated patients of all functional levels, from young children to our beloved “Baby Boomers” and Medicare patients alike. With experience in treating athletes of every level: from high school, collegiate, and professional sports and athletic events. The “toolbox” Dr. Woodward has developed in assessing and treating his patients has made him unique in his select medical practice, with his holistic approach and genuine “Aloha”.
Dr. David K. Woodward currently resides in Halawa with his wife Dara S.K. Chun-Woodward, and his three year old son Isaac K.K. Woodward. He currently shares a practice location with his wife Dara of Aesthetics by Dara, LLC and visualizes opening up a Wellness center with a common mission and values in mind, where people of Hawaiʻi can experience a true healing environment. Outside of his PT practice, he looks forward to his weekly “kanikapila” sessions and gigs island and statewide with traditional hawaiian group Ka Wehe Ana, as well as with his family Na Pua Lei Serenaders.
David Kekoamanawaleʻa Woodward, DPT

The Koru design was inspired by the spiral shape of this particular fern symbolizing new life, growth, strength and peace. The center or inner coil of the Koru represents the return to origin, his respect and recognition of his roots. The tip of the Koru has movement or action, and extends from the core integrity of the practice and the ability to connect with the people of Hawaiʻi, to inspire and motivate patients. Naʻau Pono, with the intention of meaning “to correct or make right from the inside-out” is how he treats patients, utilizing the extensive continuing education achieved, and executing the mission of building a resilient and healthy Hawaiʻi through holistic healing.